We are sorry! Sometimes, there could be unexpected delays in shipping due to some logistics issue and it is not in our control. If you have not received your package, do not hesitate to reach us at info@pujapa.in

We offer flat-rate shipping, and the products are shipped within 1-3 business days. Once the order has been dispatched, you will receive an email with the tracking number. To know more about our shipping policy, read here: https://pujapa.in/shipping-policy/

When you try to place an order, your credit card may be declined due to technical issues. Don’t be concerned! We do not hold payments for any declined transactions. This amount will be refunded to your account automatically within a few business days.

Light the tip of the incense stick until it flames. Once the tip is glowing, carefully blow out the flame. Fix it into an appropriate holder on a heat-resistant surface. Please note: caution information can be found on the back of our incense boxes; please ensure you read carefully before burning the incense.

Absolutely not.  Every stick of our incense is handcrafted, using only the purest and highest quality ingredients provided by nature.