Pujapa incense sticks will burn for 45-60 minutes. The older your incense sticks get, the faster they will burn.

Pujapa stick incense is made of a slim bamboo stick surrounded by ground bamboo called “punk”. When you light the stick, do not blow out the flame until you see the glow of the ember on the stick itself, otherwise, it may not stay lit. Sometimes, sticks just do not cooperate. If you have found yourself with a bunch of dud sticks, please contact us if you purchased it from pujapa.in. If you picked it up and one of our fabulous retail partners, please return it to them and we will work with them to make it right. 

To burn cone incense, simply light the tip with a match or lighter and let flame for 5 to 10 seconds until you see a nice red ember. Gently blow out the flame and give the ember a little blow to keep it burning strong. When burning cone incense, it is important to always place them on a safe cone burner – usually made of stone or brass. Any surface you place an incense cone on should not be painted as the heat produced by the cone will damage the design. As always, burn in well-ventilated areas at a safe distance from anything flammable. Do not burn unattended. 

Pujapa incense cones will burn for roughly 20-30 minutes. The older and dryer your incense cones get, the faster they will burn. 

Pujapa cone incense is made of pressed bamboo punk. When lighting a cone, make sure the tip has the ember glow before blowing out the flame. Some cone burners do not allow for sufficient airflow and that may be causing the cone to go out. Sometimes, cones just do not cooperate. If you have found yourself with a bunch of dud cones, please contact us if you purchased it from pujapa.in. If you picked it up and one of our fabulous retail partners, please return it to them and we will work with them to make it right.